Personal Training 

Private 1-1’s

We have a number of incredible female coaches available for Personal Training sessions, all from different disciplines or practices. Some of our specialities include:

  • Weight and Strength Training

  • Calisthenics

  • Yoga and Pilates

  • Mobility and Flexibility Training

  • Nutrition

Whatever your goal is, there is a ‘right’ someone for you here at Built. Drop us an email to discuss more. Prices start from £65 for a single session.

Postnatal and Pregnancy

Pregnancy PT is all about maintenance and getting your body ready for its biggest physical challenge to date - the arrival of your baby and subsequent recovery! Offering both pre and post natal training, we know first hand what it feels like to watch your body change and grow; and most importantly what it takes to start rebuilding it afterwards. Some things we'll incorporate:

  • Breath work

  • Myofascial release

  • Pelvic Floor and Core

  • Strength and conditioning

Postnatal sessions are baby friendly.

The Team

Book a discovery call

Fancy having a chat before meeting in person? Schedule in a 15minute discovery call with our Founder, Jodie, to discuss classes, 1-1s, or anything else you may have questions to.

Drop us an email


Drop us an email -

Fancy skipping the discovery call in favour of an email? Send us an any questions or queries you have and we’ll get back to you ASAP.